Never mind. In the meantime, I was frantically trying to put a condom on my penis. The condoms were also over a year old and I completely forgot that they were "super thin for a natural feel". The sensations, yes, were like during sex for profit, but they had to be put on very carefully. Naturally, I tore the first one and threw the remains on the floor where I saw them and desired to immediately devour the cat.
Irka, out of pity, would you dress more modestly. Yes.
A young magician, experimenting, activates a powerful spell. Unleashed magical powers destroy the caster's body and tear apart his very essence. But then they gather it together again and place it in a new body, the body of a seductive demoness. The magician manages to retain his self-awareness, but in doing so, he loses most of his memory. Shortly thereafter, he begins to be overwhelmed by the desires inherent in female demons. The former magician is unable to resist them...
I thought it would fall through the ground. But I softened the situation by saying the phrase, "then tell me which company the batteries last longer."
She was silent and picked at her plate for a long time, then answered: